Person: Your gay
You: I’m straighter than that pole your mom dances on

My Thoughts: 

Well, for first of all I want to mention that I’m just watching too many movies where a woman is dancing on the pole and the pole ends up falling apart where the woman ends up falling down. Therefore, if you have a pole, just make sure it is very tight and it can hold in place. I believe in the show called ridicules there is so many I’ve seen where the woman is falling off of the poles. Anyway, this is not a firefighter pole, it is a pole for woman to move around on.

Your Mom Jokes 

Some people just don’t find “your mom” jokes to be funny as to many they are not. Many cultures take it very seriously and they will not respond as a joke it was meant to be. So, these types of humor need to be planned thoroughly to make sure the other party will take it as a joke. Otherwise, you may just expect aggressive behaviors and a drama just from a joke. Naturally, most people will just ignore it as move on and just not continue communication with the person who said the joke. This type of behavior is a mature one and usually that’s how it goes.


At the other hand, this joke doesn’t really make sense. I mean how much straighter can a pole be. There usually is no pole that is not straight, unless it is intended for a specific reason. And usually, it is strait with a curve and back to being a straight pole.

Many people find this funny or not, usually it is the kids that think it’s funny. As far as adults go, they just act as if its funny, but it is just stupid joke.