“Who forces time is pushed back by time, who yields to time finds time on his side.” – The Talmud

(My Thoughts:)

Well, when it comes to time one thing is for sure that it’s just a ticking clock that keeps ticking and there is no going back. Every tick just brings us closer to the future and then with just a blink of an eye we realize twenty years has passed from this moment on. It’s kind of sad, but it is part of life as we are sent here for a specific purpose for the time being. It can I guess make sense to say that we are human beings in time beings.


Even though Talmud says that it is pushed back in time, but I think that makes sense in different ways. For one, I think it means not the time but the circumstances of being a human. For example, the life decisions are pushed back in time but not time itself. And two, it means that we need to not pay attention to the time. We need to not worry about the passage but worry about how we are spending the time.

This said, don’t waste time by doing nothing and let everyday be a journey of a better tomorrow. Don’t pass negativity to others and be an example of greatness.


The most important thing about time is that it is a lesson to be learned. When we look back 100’s or 1,000’s of years ago and look into where we are now; we learn that we are here because of what we have learned from the past. Just like years to come will result of the moments of life we are living now. Therefore, live every day for a better you and a better tomorrow.