“There are no secrets that time does not reveal.” – Jean Racine

(My Thoughts:)

This one is absolutely true as time always answers everything. If we really think about it, everything is just based on time. From 2 thousand years ago when Jesus was here and until now it all is documented with time. In other words, be careful what you do now as it will come around and strike you on the neck if you are doing something negative. If you are doing something positive it will come around as well but it will please you back instead of striking you on the neck like a snake. Therefore, think ahead of the future before making mistakes at the current time being.


Even when we go back millions of years ago when dinosaurs once ruled the earth. Even now you can guess that through time we have discovered them and it sure is no secret to us at the time being we are in. All this discovery and accomplishments of discovering this special species was done with time being. This said, sometimes I just wonder if we will be the next dinosaurs for other species to be discovering us. Wow! kind of hard to think this way but if it happened to dinosaurs it sure can happen to us.


I think all this is controlled by God and it was God’s decision to get rid of the dinosaurs. It makes sense that he brought the dinosaurs to Earth to take sketch and to make us. Well, at least that’s what I think to why dinosaurs were on earth in the first place. If you want to see a dinosaur now just take a look at a lizard, it pretty much is a dinosaur except smaller size. Perhaps, God made lizards for us to enjoy for his works that he has done to bring us here after sketching them first. Then later bringing us as the masterpieces after the sketch.