“The gifts you have are not for you alone. What He has come to offer you, you now must learn to give.” – A Course in Miracles

This quote means that everyone has a gift that is given to them. Not gifts of products, but rather gifts that are internal. The gifts that are given to us are designed to use them for the better-ness of someone else. We must use the gifts that he has given us on other people to help them when they need it.

For example: 

let’s say I have a gift of speed that I can run fast and I’m faster than many people. So, let’s say I’m walking down the street and a car is approaching fast. At this time the car seems like it’s coming faster and faster. Looks like it’s not going to make it to a stop on the stop sign. At this same time there is an old lady crossing the street and you can tell that she’s not going to make it. So, as you have a speed of gift, you can take this opportunity to run fast and get the old lady out of harm’s way.

Taking advantage of our gifts is very important. Otherwise, why do we have the gifts anyway? Right? So, using the gifts is a must to help others when they need it.

We must learn to give our gifts because that is the purpose of Why we have this special gifts. So, next time you see someone who may need help of anything, don’t forget to help them by giving.

Just a reminder to eat healthy and be healthy so we can help more. As we age, we get slower or even weaker and our gifts are harder to use. Therefore, it’s important to keep ourselves healthy to help others as well.