“The burden of the self is lightened when I laugh at myself.” – Rabindranath Tagore

My Thoughts:

This makes me say that laughing is a medicine of its own. When you are watching comedy movies and it makes you laugh that is very healing to your bones. Laughing makes good feelings and good emotions run down your veins. It feels good and that feeling is very healing. There are many people that don’t laugh or just don’t come across laughing situations. For those people, I just say watch comedy films.


Movies serve a lot of purposes in life and sometimes people just don’t see it. They don’t think about it or never did. But to some people, watching movies it’s almost like medication. It is getting good hormones running around your body and healing the mind. I’m a movie person my own and I love it, however there are people who never even watch anything. Just watching YouTube videos could help too, but It’s not the same. Movies unleash happy feelings which is great for you.

Physical Exercise 

If you are never laughing, I suggest doing some exercises like running. Just a bit jug around the mountain or simple Hike can make you feel better. By feeling better, it will help you spread the joy feelings that can lead to laughing. If you live by the mountains, take a walk for an hour on a hike trail and see how you feel. If you can jog a little, jog a bit and walk and see if it makes you feel better. Try it couple days because if it’s your first time, your body may not be used to it.

I personally go hiking twice a week and it makes me think about my daily tasks. It helps me to do what I plan on doing with more energy and healthier mindset towards it. Try It!