“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

My Thoughts: 

I just love Oprah Winfrey and I been watching her shows as a kid. All her shows have been teaching me lessons and I been inspired by her. I remember how fat she used to be, then she lost a lot of weight. She is a great person and always something new to learn from her.

Live the Life 

The most important thing in life is to not regret something that you might later. For example, if there is something you wanted to do, but didn’t, then this might be something that you regret later. That is why you should do all things as you plan or want to do without holding back. The moment you hold back, it might be something that you might regret later. It is most important to not even regret the ones that you might regret. As life is a journey, these situations rise on and off in daily tasks. In other words, life the life you want and remember to not hold back.


Also want to mention to have dreams and to work on them. Don’t do something because someone tells you to do it, instead do something that you want to do. If your healt plans for you to be a nurse, then work hard to be a nurse. Don’t go and try to be a police officer because it’s easy to become one. Work hard and reach after your dreams. Once you accomplish and reach your dreams everything else is super easy.

Keep in mind to help others reach their dreams too. Don’t stop someone from trying and be a helper instead. Always give and help those in need. Helping others goes a long way in life.