“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” – Wayne Dyer

My Thoughts: 

I knew this woman who had passed away in her early 40’s. I was just thinking, would she have lived the same way if she only knew when she was going to pass away? Life is very complicated, often we try hard and try to succeed because we think we are going to live very old. However, what is grabbing my attention is: “how would you live if you knew exactly when you were going to die?”


I think God has assigned a plan for us and after thinking deeply, the whole purpose to where we are headed is because we don’t know when we are going to die. As simple as that. If we did, most likely everyone would fail and never succeed. No one would go to school, and everyone would just live for eating. It’s very important to live with everyday being an educated day as that’s what we need to feed our mind. Moreover, stay away from junk foods as they are damaging to our health and can only lead to our death. Which is why eating your daily veggie and fruits is essential for your health.

Anyway, when we die is just not meant for us to know. We have a task to do in life and that just may be the reason why we are here. You can forget about the future as clearly is not meant for us to know. Therefore, act positively to spread positive energy to everyone. You will be surprised just how it will reflect back to you. Also, when the dying day comes, you will be judged for what you have done on earth, don’t forget that.