“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” – Carl Sagan

(My Thoughts:)

When it comes to science I always think of Spider-Man when Peter Parker gets bit by a spider. Supposably there were supposed to be 15 spiders, but one was missing. During the time he took a photograph of the girl of his dreams, he got bit by the missing spider. Then when he wakes up he gets 20/20 vision and muscles with super strength. On top of that he also gets webs in his arms so he can swing around.


I really think that science is fun and good way to spend some time. If I ever get into science, I just hope I turn into Spider-Man just like Peter Parker. Even if I turn into the Green Goblin, I would still be happy. However, I would be a positive and great Green Goblin and not a villain.

Favorite Superhero 

If there is one superhero I would accidently want to be, it would be Superman. That has been my favorite superhero of all time and I just love the movies. I remember Christopher Reeve in Superman that came out in 1978 and I just want to say WOW! That was an absolute great movie that I just want to watch again right now. There has been many Superman’s, but none was as great as Reeve.


As far as science goes, I always think that there are many secrets kept away from us. Many discoveries that have been made, but the Government is keeping it a secret. These types of secrets may be just to protect us or not, I’m not really sure. However, when it comes to secrets, many people just don’t believe in them.

Anyway, I just hope my body of knowledge turns me into Superman.