“A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.” – Charles M. Schwab

(My Thoughts:)

I really think that we can all succeed on everything we do and there really is no reason to not succeed. As we are in the era of the year 2000’s there is everything we need to accomplish. There is no such excuse of failure during this era as all tools and technology is in front of us to help us to achieve the highest point of life. During the time I was in high school we were stuck with flip phones and communication was more in person rather than online. Sure, we had online as well but in person was more of our way of communicating. Nowadays, every student from kindergarten to high school has all the high tech needed to do whatever needs to be done.

In other words, life is just so much easier now for everyone than to the time I was growing up.


Due to technology and social media even people who have high skills on certain sports have a chance of reaching to the top. For example, let’s say you have special skills in soccer and you show it off on social media. All it takes is someone to see it and they can give you a chance to play in a professional team. My time growing up, there was no such thing as the opportunity the kids and students have nowadays.


As much as we have everything we need, there is also enthusiasm side of personality that we need to have to succeed. Otherwise, all things we have are just things and nothing really more. Therefore, have enthusiasm in your heart and don’t let anything to stop you from reaching to your dreams. Aim high and use all the needed essentials that we have in today’s world to help you with no excuse. Cheers!