“Make way for love, which you did not create, but which you can extend. On earth this means forgive your brother, that the darkness may be lifted from your mind.” – A Course in Miracles

What I think this quote means is that we did not create love, but rather we feel it. And we need to make way for it so we can extend it. In other words accept love and don’t turn away from it. Also, that you can extend it by the power of your thoughts. You can choose to think of loving thoughts in your mind.

The second part of the quote where it says, “forgive your brother, that the darkness may be lifted from your mind.” I think this means forgive, but in order to forgive you must love. In other words, you have to feel it that you’re forgiving which means you forgive by loving. Even if you don’t feel it, you can still forgive. Just by choosing to forgive is enough for the darkness to fade away.


Altogether, I have a feeling that this quote means that by forgiving you are extending love. Forgiving goes a long way in life and if you forgive then you will be forgiven. And if you are forgiven then you are loved in order to be forgiven. The same way you must love to forgive others.

All said, I think the best way to go on is to evaluate your mind to find love. If something is bothering you then learn ways to deal with it by positivity. There is always a way to everything and yes life can be hard, but that’s the purpose.

If you are in the darkness, then find your way to the light. Choose to help people around you and remember to forgive everyone.