“Love is energy” – Descendants 3 (2019)

My Thoughts:

I was watching Descendants 3 for about 10 minutes. Came across this part when this girl said, “love is energy.” Most people think love is only a feeling, but it also is a source of energy that you feel. Love is energy just wanted to mention as a hint so is the foods we eat. All calories are energy that we consume. In other words, it is important to consume nutritional calories and not junk food calories. Nutrition calories (energy) can give us a loving energy to share. And a junk food calories (energy) in the other hand can give us negative energy to share with one another. so, by consuming nutritional energy we provide our body with nutrition to feed off, and in return to provide lovely energy to one another.


I haven’t watched this movie from start to finish, but since I liked this part of the film, I recommend watching it. It is like a kid’s movie and by Disney, so you know it’s going to be a good one. One day I plan on watching entire movie, but so many new movies are coming out that are grabbing my attention.


Everything around us is pretty much energy and this energy can be controlled by us. However, energy is very complicated to really understand. For example, people who wish bad upon others, who do negative energy towards the person. Another example, healing medications that can help to recover pains and body issues. All of these types of energy is stronger than we think. Therefore, you just need to be mentally strong and outcome any energy that someone puts into you. If your mental energy is strong, you are unbreakable. Many people are not strong in the mental energy, but as we have made life easier than it ever was years ago, it is easier to not really need it.