“Learning is the beginning of wealth.
Learning is the beginning of health.
Learning is the beginning of spirituality.
Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”
– Jim Rohn

My Thoughts:

Everybody knows that if you want to succeed in life that you would need to learn. It’s something that you would not even need to know because it’s so much obvious.


When it comes to wealth, everyone thinks it’s the most important thing in life. However, it is sure essential, but not the most important. Why? Because the most important thing in your life is your health. When you pass away, your wealth stays here and doesn’t follow with you. Moreover, wealth can be very damaging to you as it will grab may evil spirits that lead along with it.


If you ask me, health is all you have in this life. Your given one body to take care of, if you fail, it can fail you. That’s just how important health is, but often people don’t look at it that way. Especially food companies that lie to you about how healthy the food is. For example, an energy drink company will tell you if you want to be healthy drink this energy drink. But when you look at the ingredients, it has artificial sugar. No matter how healthy the drink is, the artificial sugar is enough to cause severe damage in the longer run.


Most people assume they are following a spirituality lifepath, yet they are way off. When it comes to spirituality, you need health to follow just along. With unhealthy lifestyles, the core of spirituality is just missing.

In Conclusion:

If you want to have a successful life path in all aspects of life, you need to be healthy. Moreover, you need to be healthy physically and mentally.