“It is important to expect nothing,
to take every experience,
including the negative ones,
as merely steps on the path,
and to proceed.”
– Ram Dass

My Thoughts:

Absolutely true and many people count negative experiences as a waste of time. However, nothing is waste of time and even the negative experiences are okay. Everything in life is okay to go through and just because its negative doesn’t mean that it’s not okay. We are designed to experience these feelings as part of ourselves. If we don’t experience them than that is where the problems lie. But even with those problems, it is okay to experience them.

Just Do It

The famous saying that Nike says: “Just do it” is what I believe in. Let’s say if you are going to a theme park and there is a roller coaster. Don’t settle back, instead take the journey to the ride and experience it. Why? Because it adds another experience that you’ve done to your list, and it becomes something that you did. If someone wants to do something with you, don’t say No. Why? Because you may just gain something that you thought you wouldn’t.


Experiences make us who we are, and we must proceed with it. You should always try to add more experiences to your list, and I think that is the way to succeed. If you want to proceed with life, you should be ready to take what comes your way. Also, do things that are not your way and proceed with it. I think that is a way to accomplish something and it becomes a story to you to tell others about it.

Some experiences can make lifetime changes to a positive and better life. Taking a journey to a theme park might just bring you a journey that is better to have taken than not. Life is full of opportunities, take them.