“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy

(My Thoughts:)

This is absolutely correct as you must accept to fail before you even begin. For example, let’s say you are going to be a boxing champion and if you don’t try you won’t make it. If you are not willing to fail, then why would you be willing to succeed? As failing goes with success, it is no brainer that you must accept both and be happy with whichever comes along.


If you fail it doesn’t mean to give up and that life is over. It just means to try again the next time around or if it’s something that you can’t try again then try something else. It’s a lesson that if something fails, a door somewhere else opens. You must just change your path and move on with a different path. Sure, it might be way off of one another but that’s just the way things go.

Without daring to fail, life would just be pointless and much more difficult than it seems. Only by failing is how we move on to other aspects of life that we end up succeeding more.


Once you achieve greatness you realize just how much of a battle it took you to get there. Of course, this is not the same people who come from the rich family. For example, let’s say a kid of a rich person is most likely never going to go through fails in life because everything is given to the person. I mean how much can a kid of a millionaire fail when all the money is in front of them. But you have to realize just how happy is the life of the that kid knowing that he/she never tried to make it on its own.