Is it possible that She will have me forgiven for ambitions
continually crushed,-
that an affluent end will make up for the ages of indigence,-
that a day of success will lull us to sleep on the shame of our
fatal incompetence?
(O palms! diamond!- Love! strength!- higher than all joys and
all fame!-
in any case, everywhere- demon, god,- Youth of this being:
That the accidents of scientific wonders and the movements of
social brotherhood
will be cherished as the progressive restitution of our original
But the Vampire who makes us behave orders us to enjoy ourselves
with what she leaves us, or in other words to be more amusing.
Rolled in our wounds through the wearing air and the sea;
in torments through the silence of the murderous waters and air;
in tortures that laugh in the terrible surge of their silence.
-Arthur Rimbaud