“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” – Barack Obama

(My Thoughts:)

Well, hopefully you are not running down the path because one time I was running I dropped my phone, and it went downhill spinning on the floor. Luckly, I had a good phone case on by Otter Box which really supported it very well. Sure, these phone cases are expensive, but looking at the damage it could have done it sure is well worth it. Almost feels like you are wrapping your phone with insurance for free. Well done to Otter Box for making great cases, however there are many other cool cases I want to get.

Never Give Up

If you watch wrestling you have probably seen John Cena with a shirt that says: “Never Give UP.” Well, just like that as long as you keep going down the road you will always make it somewhere in life. Just don’t go running like me with your cell phone but always one road opens up and so on. Often, one path may not be willing for you but that doesn’t mean give up, it just means go to another path. Then you realize how nothing worked but one path led you to another that did work. This is called life and a struggle that you take along with it as long as you don’t give up you make it somewhere.


Talking about progress I think Barack Obama failed many things he said he was going to do. However, as I’m updating this during 2023, I would like to say Joe Biden has fixed many of it. Luckly for Biden many progresses have opened up and hopefully all goes well. Who’s ready for the next president and anyone voting for anyone?