she said, “what’s on tv?”
“Dust” I said… And that’s when the arguments started!

My Thoughts: 

This is like an example of couple living together and often kind of gets annoying. I mean there is a fight about everything with so many women and this needs to come to an end. Usually, over nothing there is an argument and over nothing there is a fight. So, if you are a man and have a wife like that, sure may sound like it’s time for a change. And for ladies, if you are starting argument over nothing, realize that sooner or later you can be part of his history and not future. Therefore, think before starting arguments that you are not aware of.


As far as jokes go, this almost sounds like it’s not joke at all, but rather a fact. Technically, in most cases there usually is always dust on the TV along with the table, floor, and everywhere. Most of the time, ladies are known to be mopping up the dust and keeping things clean. So, if there is dust laying around which means the lady didn’t keep things clean. Which means that argument should be about why she didn’t keep it clean in the first place.


If you are a married couple, I highly suggest writing down who does what in the relationship. If things are written down, it will be clearer to who is going to clean the TV or not. Not only the TV, but everything else in the house. Making a written list always works and makes less arguments to take place.

No Arguments 

I would also write down that you can’t argue anymore. The less arguments the healthier the relationship to be. This could be a nice rule to have. Remember to have a nice and healthy relationship by working things out.