“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough

(My Thoughts:)

I think the key point here that Emily Kimbrough is trying to say is that we are become one. In other words, every one of us is different in many ways. However, our differences join together into one. Meaning that it doesn’t matter about our differences because at the end of the day we are in earth for the same purpose. Not only that, but our differences make us who we are and we combine them together to form one mission in life and in earth. This mission is our energy that we contribute to one another and the God above.

Hand in Hand

Regardless of who we are and what we are, we all need to work together at the end. We need to join into one humanity and work with the light that is above. As long as we work things together, we can overcome everything. We can become stronger and better in all aspects of life. As long as we are in it together, we will make it through together with love and harmony. This is why it is important to remember to love one another and help each other. Don’t hurt someone or go against someone, instead join forces and help that person. Be an aid to the person and everyone you come across. This is the reason to life in many ways.


As I’m updating this in 2023, I just watched the movie Midway and I think why couldn’t we just get along? Why couldn’t Japan and USA work together instead of battling one another. Great movie if you guys haven’t watched it and makes me think that we should just be all one regardless of our country and race. What do you guys think of the movie?