“To know a person’s religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.” – Eric Hoffer

(My Thoughts:)

There are just so many religions out there and it is hard to really understand a person just by their religion. At the same time, it is easy to understand the type of person the person can be just by his/her belief in religion. For example, if you know a person that is a Christian than you can know and understand that he/she believes in God in the way that religion believes in it. This may make you feel like you more understand or know the person even though you don’t. Just don’t judge by religions as each person is different regardless of what they believe in.


I respect all religion and every time I come across a specific religion it always sends me back thousands of years ago. Why? Well because that is when that religion was made. There really is no new religion as they are all from thousands of years ago. It takes me to the time when there was no technology and no junk food. Perhaps, we just need to go back to those days for our eating habits as it may help us all to lose weight and to be at our full health. Compared to the foods we eat now, there really is no way of going wrong if we eat what we ate thousands of years ago. This means nothing but natural foods which result in healthier you.

All this said, I think that the people nowadays don’t really even know what religion they are. Sure, they might say something like Chirstian or Muslim but what do they really know about the truth in the religion. This said, I think that we need to teach our kids what the religion really is and the history behind the religion as well.