“To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.” – Confucius

My Thoughts:

I think it just depends on what you are doing. For example, if you are fishing, I think that is wrong to begin with. As much as you try to go beyond by catching the biggest or wildest fish, you will fall short. There is no purpose in catching fish just to see what you catch. Unless you are going to eat it, that is different. But as far as a hobby goes, catching fish will only catch up to you later in life. Kind of like what goes around comes around. No good comes from hurting fish for the fun of it.

Going Beyond 

I really think that there is nothing wrong with going beyond. Unless you are going beyond space where you shouldn’t go, then yeah something is wrong. But otherwise, it makes sense to go above and beyond. Don’t try to be good, try to be the best and encourage others to try their best too. You can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it, as long as we put our effort and go above and beyond.

Falling Short 

If you do fall short, just know that there is nothing wrong with that. You just got to get up and try again. However, something is wrong if you give up. Giving up will just never take you anywhere in life and often will hurt you. Which is important to always aim higher even if you fail. Try another way around and this time go beyond what you’ve done before. Next thing you know you have reached higher than ever expected.

If you are doing nothing with your life or everything is easy. Challenge yourself and sign up for school or some activity or something. Keep yourself occupied, always.