“The world is incomprehensible.
We won’t ever understand it.
we won’t ever unravel its secrets.
Thus, we must treat the world as it is:
a sheer mystery.”
– Carlos Castaneda

My Thoughts: 

I can only agree with Carlos that he is right. Earth is nothing but a mystery and it is just made to be that way. You can figure out just how everything is made, but there is nothing to really figure out. If you just read the bible, you will learn that God made everything in 7 days. Well, he rested on the 7th day which is part of the making. That tells me that we need to rest and that resting is very important too. However, I think we need to rest very minimal as we need to focus on the progress. Educating ourselves and always moving forward with education is very important.


Let’s not forget that we are here on Earth for a specific purpose. Whatever the purpose is, it sure doesn’t matter as we just need to do our part anyway. I like to think that we will never know the purpose. But something tells me that whatever the purpose is, it is linked to one another. Which tells me that as a whole we are here together.


Regardless of what and how the earth is, it is just a mystery. Why? Because we didn’t create it, God did. God knows everything why he created for, whatever the reason is, we just won’t understand here on earth. I’m sure many of us know just what the mystery is, which is good enough to keep us on the right track. Being there for others and helping everyone in need. Possibly, the mystery can just be revealed to us when we are ready. Which means, don’t waste your days, just keep learning and progressing.