“The only certainty is that nothing is certain.” – Pliny the Elder

(My Thoughts:)

Come to think about it this kind of doesn’t make sense. At the same time, it does and it’s kind of like that a tricky quote. It’s kind of like a catch to something that you don’t know if it exists or not. As I like to think of it there is an outcome or a different possibility to everything out there.

What does Certain Mean?

In the dictionary it says that it means known for sure; established beyond doubt. The question is what do we really know? Everything we know is just an answer to something else. For example, where we are now in today’s world is way different than hundreds of years ago. This said, how certain we were hundreds of years ago? For this reason, we need to keep educating ourselves for the future and we will look into the future as we do to the past. So then how certain are we to where we are going to where we were? This is when this quote makes sense by Pliny the Elder.


As I like to say just keep educating yourself and prepare for the future. You don’t know how life is going to be and how things are going to turn out to be. However, if you educate yourself that is leading into only progress and preparedness to whatever is there to come.

Don’t rely on anyone and instead focus on yourself. Be certain to yourself and always move up in life. At the same time, don’t look back to where you where or are. Instead, start now wherever you are and reach to a higher degree in life of education. If you are starting a diet, it is not tomorrow that you should start, but now.