The monotony and solitude of a quiet life
stimulates the creative mind.
– Albert Einstein

My Thoughts: 

I feel like going to the beach and just relaxing or eating some yummy treats. What I think Albert Einstein is trying to say is that if you have a quiet life, you will try to be creative. In other words, if you have nothing to do, you will create something to do so you are not bored. This is kind of true for me as many times when I have nothing to do, I just do something that I think of randomly. It might be going to the store to buy something or going to get coffee from Starbucks, or just about anything. I might even go hiking at the mountains, it just depends.


I think when it’s at the point where you are doing nothing, a spark lights up in your mind. However, this happens to people who are smart to begin with. Somebody who is dumb or stupid is most likely not going to do anything anyway. It’s just the way we are created, even smart people don’t do anything. As we like to call it, relaxing time. Yet again, when you are relaxing then you are doing something to begin with. In other words, what I think Albert Einstein could be saying is that people who don’t do anything at all.

Be Smart 

In life you just got to be smart and you have to work hard. There is no relaxing as we have a purpose to do which is get to work. Put our mind to work or do something that you like. Just don’t waste the days going by as they will add up to you. That is what I think Einstein is referring to. So, get up and do something instead of doing nothing all day.