“That’s the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want.” – Barack Obama

(My Thoughts:)

Something tells me that everyone who wants to be president is just for that reason. However, let’s not forget about the power that it gives you. I mean if you ask anyone if you would want to be president? Everyone would just say: “Yes.” At the same time, no one is willing to take the effort that it involves being president. Everyone just wants things but doesn’t want to give. Most people are lazy and just think receiving things is the way to go. But in life, it is more challenging and much harder than it seems. Why not put the effort and deserve whatever you are after instead of just receiving it. Sometimes, putting in the work pays off better than just receiving it.

Rich Family

Let’s take a look at the rich family that pass on the richness to their children. As much as the children receive everything they need in life, what purpose is it for if you didn’t achieve it yourself? I think that it is more valuable to achieve something and feel accomplished than to have someone just hand it to you. That goes the same way for being president.

Good Thing

Which now comes to make sense that if you achieved it, you could put your power to work. You can do whatever you want if you achieved it, otherwise it is just not a successful feeling.

The most important thing I can say is go to school and educate yourself. School opens the door for many opportunities to come along with new fields of study you might want to pursue in. Next thing you know, you are on the track to be President of the United States of America. That is how life is done, with success.