“He who can give thanks for little will always find he has enough.” – Anonymous

My Thoughts: 

Of course, being thankful is the most important thing you can imagine. Many people are not thankful for anything, they come home mad every day. Yes, maybe the home is small or whatever, but you got to be thankful at all times that you are even coming to a home. As prices are rising extremely high, many people are struggling to live. I mean just take a look at home rent prices, it’s just ridiculous.


Instead of being unhappy with your circumstances, think of solutions. Focus on what you can do to overcome the bad situation into a better one. Most importantly, don’t lose your vision of hope and know that everything is going to be okay. Perhaps, this will make you feel better and thankful.


If you just drive around, you sure will come across many homeless people. Take a look at them and next time you go home and are upset, remember there is worse than your situation. Also, when you are unhappy, you are passing those unhappy energy to the people you live with. Which that is not healthy for them, and it destroys them. When you release unhappy energy towards people, its same as doing something bad to them. Therefore, remember that what goes around comes back around.


I’m a type of person that likes to live very minimal. I always think, there is someone out there wishing for the minimal things I have. Therefore, as minimal I live, the more comfortable I feel that I’m equal to someone else that is lower. This way I’m giving credit to people who just don’t have anything. I go for an A to B car, I don’t buy anything fancy, I don’t show off. I like to give aid and help to people around me.