check out the video guys so you can learn simple tags h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 elements in HTML. When you are learning HTML and your new you will come across the title tags to learn which are the h1 to the h6 tags. What this tags do is display a title, so if you need a title for your website you add the title with this elements:

  • h1 is the biggest title, normally used as the main title of the webpage.
  • h2 is the second biggest.
  • h3 is the third biggest.
  • h4 is the fourth biggest.
  • h5 is the fifth biggest.
  • h6 is the sixth biggest.

Why Six Different Heading Tags? 

So, once you create a website this tags give you six sizes of Titles to choose from, you may be wondering why would you need six different sizes? Well, the answer is simple, you may need different levels of subheadings. By needing different level of subheading you can arrange your website accordingly with your desired size of headings and subheadings.

Title Tags Are Block Elements 

The six Tags are Block Elements in the world of HTML. But, what are Block Elements? they are Elements that go to the next line, in other words block elements you can think of the Enter button is pressed after the code is run. So in HTML the programming language you have to program the code so it goes to the bottom line, since the Title Tags are Block Elements. Block Elements are programmed to automatically go to the next line.

Try this video tutorial so you can clearly see how it works, bear in mind you will be using this all the time so it will appear more understanding as you continue using them. Thanks for Your Time! Don’t Forget to Like and Subscribe!