“People do not wish to appear foolish.
To avoid the appearance of foolishness,
they are willing to remain actually fools.”
– Alice Walker

(My Thoughts:)

Sometimes you just can’t really understand people and how they are. It is just hard to read someone’s mind when they are acting like a kid. This goes for all ages from young adults to older people. There are people who are in their 50’s but it’s like they are in their 16’s. It’s just hard to understand people which is not bad or good it just is how people are. This is why people have trouble finding their soul mates because they struggle to find the one that suits them the most. For this reason, people break up or they get divorced. It’s just life and it’s understandable as we are meant to express ourselves with these situations.


Many people may think the word for foolish may resemble immatureness. Sure, and it is not something that lasts forever as people change as they grow older. When life gets complicated, people get buys, they go to school, they learn and educate themselves as they grow. So, everyone can change one day or another it is just a time being. Many can take longer time than others but when it comes to matureness, it can always be accomplished.

Alice Walker may have a good point here and the only advice I can give is educate yourself. If you want to not appear foolish, education will lead you to matureness. Therefore, if you have not signed up for college than it’s better to try than to always wish you attended to one.

If you are smart and have a mature side of you, then that is great. At the same time, everyone is different and there is no right or wrong. We are people at the end of the day and if we are all alike, there would be no point to who we are. In short, be yourself.