“Our journey into consciousness of wealth begins with the realization that we have already arrived!” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

My Thoughts:

What I get from this quote is that you can vision it than you can achieve it. I always like to hear you say that you can have it all and get higher in life. If you sit in the sidelines and be just like everyone else, then that is your realization to where you want in life. But if you can achieve wealth in your mind, then nothing will stop you from reaching it.

Won’t Walk Away

Once you have the wealth mind planned in your vision, you will walk right to it. You won’t want to do anything in life that will keep you offtrack from it. You won’t walk away from it even though you can. Once you have set the wealth consciousness, you will arrive to it.

If you don’t want it, you just would have not had consciousness of it. But if you do, then it means you want it and you can achieve it because your mind has brought you to that vision.


Because those thoughts bring you happiness, then nothing will hold you back. You can go and get it without wasting any time.


If you have plans and mindset of wealth, but you are doing everything the opposite of it. If this is the case, then it means you just don’t really want it from your heart. It is just something you dream about because that’s what you want to dream about. Wealth seems like easy way of life and who doesn’t want easiness. But if your consciousness is real from your heart, then nothing will bring you down. you will make everything you can to achieve it.

If you never thought about anything, start by thinking of the future. Where you see yourself 10 years from now?