“Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known.” – Michel de Montaigne

(My Thoughts:)

Well, I’m really not sure if this makes sense or not, but it’s kind of like playing chess. Just reading this quote makes me put myself into position of chess to really figure it out. Otherwise, you are stuck not knowing exactly what Michel de Montaigne is really saying. Of course, it is understandable but as if it’s not. Kind of like you are losing at chess and can’t figure it out and then you realize and make the check mate move.

Not Known

What I like to say is that if something is least known than how is it firmly believed to begin with? Does this make sense? Then you read it over and over again until you understand. In short, “nothing is believed of that is least known.” In other words, if there is something that is least known than it is not believed because it is not known. Does this make sense? Simply, if you don’t know something than it can’t be believed until you know it which once you know it than you understand it.


For example, let’s take a look at God. If you never read or if someone never told you anything about God than you might just not know about him. As you do not know about him which means you don’t believe as you don’t know about it. Until someone tells you than you realize about it. Well, God may be a tricky example because even if someone doesn’t tell you about God, you just tend to know about it on your own. Can this mean you are educated? Regardless of what, some things in life just make you know that God exists. Like what? Like the life given to a baby when it is born.