“No man is poor who has a Godly mother.” – Abraham Lincoln

(My Thoughts:)

As I’m posting this on December 31st something tells me that I wish I was posting this on October 31st just so I can be Abraham Lincoln for Halloween. He is a president that surely stands out for me from the rest and unique in a good way. I like the way he lead the country and the sense of character he had along with the way he dressed including the large hat on top of his head. However, we just don’t know much about him as the era he was in was just no video films as there are now.


As we are in the era of the years 2000’s camera and cell phones have risen to the top of the market. There is almost no one who doesn’t have a cell phone and why is this important. Well, for one you can just record anything that you want. And for two, you can make a quick phone call anytime you want. Also, for three, you can make emergency calls when needed such as to the police station.

Why is This Important?

This is important because if we had the same technology during his time of president, we could have learned so much more from him. We could have had millions of video recordings and understand him way better than just be reading about him.

This is just life and that’s how life goes. We have no choice when cell phones were available or not as it was not passed down to us yet. However, the one choice we have and that is to live right with peace in mind. Help each and every one of us. Give clean and healthy instructions for others to pass on.