“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

My Thoughts: 

I think I want to fail now, LOL. Of course, all of us have excuses to make every time we just don’t want to do something. Also, besides excuses, we are just lazy and don’t want to put any effort into it.

Making Excuses 

What this got me thinking about is that there are just so many excuses in work taking place. For example, let’s say a person is working at a job and the person doesn’t like the task he/she is doing. That person will go to the doctor and make fake sickness such as anxiety or depression. Then with a doctor note, he/she will give it to the workplace and tell the workplace to transfer he/she to another duty. Just by making fake excuses, that individual will most likely get its way to do something else.

Then we wonder why so many people are documented with anxiety, panic attacks, or depression in their history. As you may wonder most of these documents are from people who are making excuses just to get away from something. Of course, it is sad, but it is the reality. I wish things were different, but it is just it is, I guess.

No Excuses 

I wonder if there ever would be a law that says you can’t make excuses in life. In other words, you can’t blame anything for something else. This may make life easier, but also complicated. However, I’m not sure how things would be, but this is just one way that separates one from another.

If you have something in your mind that seems hard or long work, just try it. Don’t make excuses to not do it. If it takes, dare yourself to do it.