“Love holds no grievances.”
– A Course in miracles

This one is as obvious as obvious can be. Where there is love, there can’t be room from grievances, unless its fake love as I like to think of it.

What is Grievance?

There are many ways to describe Grievance, but to simplify: “something believed to be wrong or unfair.” Let’s say a feeling that something is not at the right path or something like that. So true love would hold no feeling of doubt, and if it did, simply isn’t true love to begin with.

What is Love? 

An intense feeling of deep affection. If you love someone it’s pretty hard to describe in words how you feel for them because it comes from the heart. In other words, I think love is the heart, like your heart desires someone in an deep affection way.

So, if you heart loves someone, it would not love if it were to doubt. If a bit of Grievance was involved, then your heart may look to another destiny.

As sad as it may seem, grievance happens all the time and couples break up over it. But, prior to the breakup, usually there is no grievance, but if it starts on its own then most times it leads to break ups. To begin with there is no grievance, but as time goes by and you learn more of your partner, then feelings of not trusting can build up.

It’s best to not talk about love because that is a feeling and feelings can change. You can love someone with all your heart, then you move to a different state and you start slowly fading your partner from your life. As your partner fades from your life, the love slowly starts to fade away too in just a matter of time. So, love is just something that is tricky and has no answer, but it’s a feeling of no grievance.