“Look back no longer, for what lies ahead is all you ever wanted in your heart.” – A Course in Miracles

This quote may seem confusing at first, but kind of makes sense. It reminds me to look for the future and never look at the back. Meaning the back is history and its gone and the future is the remaining. However, I think it’s also trying to say do what you love and follow your heart. In other words, if you fallow your heart the pain to reach there won’t mean anything.


As I think more, I also think there is a different meaning to this quote. I think that its also saying that for whatever circumstances you are in now, just follow your heart and don’t worry about the past. As long as you follow your heart is the main objective of this quote and following your heart is all that matters.


Let’s say I want to be a fireman and I want to help the people and the environment. If being a fireman is what is in my heart, I shall never give up and do what it takes to be one. I will go to school, take fireman courses and learn to the top. Even though I would struggle my way to learn, it doesn’t matter because it’s what I want to do in my heart. And If I follow my heart, I will go through hard times, but when I reach to the end point and become a fireman the past will be forgotten.

Keep Healthy Diet 

Also, I would focus on working out and being in the best shape of my life. Fireman is a tough job and having muscles and being in shape is very important to the job. I will focus on going up and down the stairs and doing weights and cardio for my physical aspect of the job.