“Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts or happenings. It consist mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever flowing through one’s head.” – Mark Twain

My Thoughts: 

What I feel like Mark Twain is trying to say is that people are focusing on the storm rather than the good. Not many people are thinking about the positivity, but they are thinking about the negativity. It’s as if they are doing it that way in purpose because no one really cares about the positivity. I mean when something bad happens, it’s all over the news and it starts trending in people’s conversations. However, normally there never is something positive in the news, nor trending in conversations.


Nobody cares about facts, they just care about the news. All of a sudden when something bad happens, everyone is alert and gossip after gossip after gossip.

Storm of Thoughts

If you have thoughts full of negativity, try to look at the bright side. Don’t dwell on the darkness and turn the storm into a tornado. Every bad has a good and every good has a bad, we need to focus on the good. It is easier than it seems, but often people have a habit of focusing on the negatives. Life is a pleasing thing, but is it really? I mean there is no right answer to how life should be. But there are ways to focus on the mind and turn it to a positive mindset. If we concentrate on the negatives, what good does that do? No good comes from negative.


Many people are just unhappy with what they got. I mean I don’t think life should be based on unhappiness. Life should be based on living and focusing to provide Gods will. I don’t think happy or unhappy really means anything, except for we can conquer anything life brings our way. It’s a test, after all.