“knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.” – Colossians 3:24‭-‬25

This makes sense as, “What goes around, comes around” and we must not do any wrongs. For all the wrongs that people do, I really think they pay for it later in life. The worst part is paying for it might be even worse than what was done. This is so to keep us from doing the wrong and focusing more on the right. Even worse we don’t know how the payback will be and how damaging could it be. I think it strikes silently and we may not even know it. For example, you’re walking down the street, you slip and fall and end up with a broken foot. This broken foot could be the cause of something you did wrong before and now you’re paying for it.

I like how it says, “and there is no partiality” as if it won’t be done in regrets. This is why in life we must treat others how we would treat ourselves. On top of that we must help and provide beneficial aid to the people, just so we can receive the same back.

What Goes Around, Comes Around 

Good or bad, it is how it is, “What Goes Around, Comes Around.” This is by far one of the most important phrases to remember in life and always think about it before doing tasks. Have this in the corner of your thoughts and reflect on it before doing something you will regret. Most importantly, this goes on how you treat animals too. Remember animals have feelings too and we must treat them very well in life.