“In peace was I created. And in peace do I remain.” – A Course in Miracles

Having love is a feeling of passion and in that passion is when the first semen gets delivered. In the peaceful time of intercourse everything is made in peace. The baby starts growing and during this process love stays in the minds of the couples. However, I’m sure there is no peace once the woman is in the delivery room trying to push it out. But, once it’s out peace amongst love and passion of happiness that a newborn is created.

So, as peaceful we are created, I think we can all remain to it whenever we are ready. For example, let’s say we are out of the peaceful mindset, we can go back to it because that’s the root of our creation.

This is just a reminder that we were not created of harm, hate, or grief. Therefore, if we feel those feelings then we can manually move to the love and peace side as that’s where we originated from.

This quote to me is straight to the point as a reminder to love one another because we all were created that way. Not just me or you were created in peace, but all living souls were created that way. So, we must remember that we are one at the end and to help one another as brothers and sisters.

Animals is Love 

Keep in mind that animals were also created that way, so we must help them to. We all formed in love, and we must pass that love towards one another. Remember that animals have feelings too and that they play a very important role in this life.

At the end, we are all family and together helping one another we can all succeed.