“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” – Aristotle

(My Thoughts:)

Yeah! A mountain lion ready to jump and attack you. I really think that we should be taking extra care of our environment because it is something we won’t have sooner or later. As much as paper we are wasting and all the trees we are cutting, it’s as if we are reaching towards the end of it. What is going to be the outcome once we are done with all the trees? Well, certainly there are many things we can do to avoid tree waste and that is to not use paper. But, then we would we wasting plastic which is dangerous to the ocean life. Therefore, anyway we put it there really is not winning with nature.

Companies Should Plant Their Own Trees 

However, one thing is for sure and that is to plant trees as much as we can. Better yet, there should be a law that states all companies that sell paper products should plant the trees and use the papers from the trees that they have planted. This way, they are not wasting any trees from the nature, but wasting trees that they have planted themselves.

Companies like McDonald’s or In-N-Out should plant their own trees too. By planting their own trees, they can use their own trees for food wrappers and fry boxes or drink cups. Having companies plant their own source for papers should be essential in the business world to protect the future.


Anyway we put it, plastic is just dangerous. Unless every single body recycles them, it is safe and anything other than that it is just dangerous. Why? Because they end up in the ocean and the sea life end up dying from it.

“We as a whole need to start something that can protect the nature environment.”