“In a world where so many are hungry,
may we eat this food with humble hearts,
in a world where so many are lonely,
May we share this friendship with joyful hearts.”
– Anonymous

My Thoughts: 

This reminds me that we need to appreciate for what we have. But as what am seeing with all the food that people don’t eat or throw away, I feel like they are taken for selfish ambition. Yes, it’s true that many countries, people are starving. However, many countries like USA as the food is plenty, I think people are taking advantage of it.

Overweight Keeps Growing

The advantage they are taking is only hurting them as they are eating more than they should. Almost 80% of people in the USA are turning overweight and this is all of selfish ambition. If people only eat what they need to consume, healthier life would be the outcome. This said, I think it is true that we can judge a person by its size. If a person is overweight which means the person is eating a lot.

Eat Respectfully 

Anyway, when it comes to food I just want to mention to eat with gratitude and what you need. Don’t eat selfishly, but with a desired heart and thankfulness for what you are eating, someone out there would only wish for.


As the years are progressing, seems like more people are becoming lonely. This has to do with so many things that we don’t have control over. For example, online classes or anything related to online. However, it is our responsibility to stay social to not be lonely. Doing activities that are fun or going to the gym i a way to be around people. Simply, just going to the shopping mall and shopping around rather than buying from online.