“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

My Thoughts:

I don’t think you need to think of someone to have a flower. You just need to plant them in your garden and have a nice blooming garden. However, Alfred Lord Tennyson is absolutely a great poet, and you just need to some of the poems. Whatever Alred Lord Tennyson says, is very clever and gets you thinking about it. Very imaginative poet which is what I like.


At the same time, let’s not focus on having a loving thought of someone you admire. Let’s focus on being loved the same way in return. I mean what’s the point of having a garden of flowers just by thinking of someone when they will not have any flowers because they think nothing of you. If you’re going to have a garden of flowers, make sure they are also going to have a garden of flowers. Otherwise, the entire love is just a pointless thought and very hurting to you.


Imagine you are married, and your partner just doesn’t love you back. What exactly is the point of it? Well, that’s how it should be with the garden of flowers. Both partners should have a garden and not just one. It may sound hard, but it just is the way it is. Think about yourself along with your partner. Don’t just think about you. Life is challenging as is and don’t make it even more challenging.

Not Loved

If you are not loved, don’t think nothing of it. It is not full of flowers as it may seem. If it were, there would be less divorces and more love. As divorce rates are rising, flowers are falling.