I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Who doesn’t see red states and blue states – only sees the United States – President Joe Biden

(My thoughts:)

What a nice speech right and I just loved it so much. Hopefully, things become better now, and they are lead in a better way. Trump who was president before him did many mistakes and didn’t fix many things he said he was going to fix. I just hope Joe Biden fixes it all that he says, and he stands up for what he praised during his presidency era. In some cases, I was unhappy with Trump and now that Biden is president, I think he will do great.


In a way I wish I could run for president and be that man that fixes America. However, with great power comes great responsibility as we learned from Spider-Man. Therefore, I know it is much harder than it looks on TV. I feel like there are just so many things going on in the background that the general public is just not aware of it. We blame him and him one president after another, but we are sitting in the outside and have no idea what is taking place in the inside. For this reason, I understand that the circumstances of getting things done while you are president is more complicated than it seems.


Anyway, congrats to Biden and hope the following years turn out to be full of brightness. Bidens background is pretty strong and he is fully ready for this change that he is going to deliver to the world. I just hope his not like Bill Clinton eating at McDonald’s every day. Instead, he should be eating healthy and living the life of a king with full health to his bones. Let’s begin these new changes in Greatness, Joe Biden, Cheers!