“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

My Thoughts: 

Nothing good comes out of hatred and it should just not exist, but why doesn’t it? Well, there are just so many people who wish the bad for others. Why? Because they get jealous and they let jealousy control them, which means they have been defeated it. Never let the sun go down and turn your life into darkness, nature does that peacefully. Which means everything outside of nature, you are just hurting yourself by hating over jealousy.


Love speaks for itself and there is just nothing to say about it. It is something that you feel, and words can’t even describe it. A lot of times you will find love unexpectedly if you haven’t found it already. Love will be your sunshine and nigh light, you won’t run away from it.


Ever wonder why so many people have haters? Let’s look at basketball players like Kobe Bryant. His so good that naturally there always will be somebody that will hate on him. It just is the way it is which I wish it wasn’t that way. But you just can’t do anything about it, as it is part of life. However, I think it shouldn’t be part of life as you, me and everyone else should not even think about hate. Every person on earth should be hate free and that’s the way I look at it.

Instead of hating on someone, learn to love them. Don’t hate on Kobe for balling, appreciate him for being so good. Same with every athlete that is just so good. Don’t compare who is better than who, accept them as all good. I think hate is a sin too.