“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” – Colin Powell

(My Thoughts:)

Leaders come with a cost and often it is much harder than it seems. However, it is a better life as you are the leader which means you are the one in control. Let’s take a look at people who own their own businesses. They are not living with rules that they need to follow because they are the ones that create the rules. They don’t do 8-hour shifts and get paid hourly. What they do, is that they run the business just as how they want. This alone is a good feeling and more encouraging to become better and better to progress.

For this reason, people who have their own business tend to love life. As they live with their own time, life becomes more with joy. At the same time, not every business is the same. Sometimes, there are struggles and business can get complicated. Yet, it is still better than working for someone else.

Keep Trying 

For those who are trying to be in the leading spot, it just comes when you are ready. At the meantime, the struggle that you are facing will come with a price. Sometimes, the price is very high when you look back and just feel happy for those struggle times. At the same time, even the struggle goes with you to the leading spot. This means, from struggle to struggle just never give up. There is nothing in life that can take you down. If something doesn’t work out, then there is the next thing to move forward to. Anyway you put it, there is something to keep trying.

Most importantly, never give up as the more you try the more you can succeed.