“Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner!” – Max Lucado

My Thoughts: 

This tells me that the fact the we have to forgive is the fact that possibly we are the ones who did something. Not exactly sure, but I could agree with Max Lucado. Just to mention that when I think about it, I sometimes feel bad for people who are in prison. I mean how bad is life out there? I know all prisons are different from country to country. Which tells me that most prisons are probably like a high school or something like that.


And then I start to wonder the food that the prisoners eat on daily bases. It is kind of sad that they can’t choose restaurants as we can. For example, we can go to McDonald’s or Burger King, but prisoners eat what is cooked for them. Some prisoners there is flexibility to what they eat, but some it’s a complete lockdown.


Overall, I’m not exactly sure of the prison life, I just think that they should be more flexible. Meaning, they should all have options to watch television or hear music. On top of that they should be able to choose what types of foods they want to eat. Yes, they are locked down, but they should at least be able to do some minor things to spend the time a little better. I think all Jails should have board games or television for inmates to spend the time.

Books and activities is a good way to help inmates in jails. Of course, they are there for a reason, but again I think they should have some flexibility as they are locked in there.

Also, I can’t wait to visit Alcatraz just to see how it was like. I want to be there just to imagine how the 3 prisoners escaped. I want to decide if it would be possible to survive swimming in those waters.