“I don’t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside of me there will always be the person I am tonight.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the night

(My Thoughts:)

It is no brainer that I recommend reading this book by F. Scott Fitzgerald called: “Tender is the Night.” Great book and if I remember correctly, I read it during High School days which was decades ago.

Can’t remember exactly what part of the book this quote is from but feels very strong and powerful.


When it comes to love there is just no answer to anything as it’s like a game of chess of its own. It may feel like you have all the answers to love but then why is the divorce rate just so high? There is no doubt that love is complicated, but I really think that it doesn’t have to be that way. Mainly the cause of complicated love is that both partners are not agreeing to each other. They are not with the same thoughts and both like things their own way. However, the purpose of love is to combine and become one and not to disagree or not be with one another. Reason to love is for joining forces and teaming up in the relationship.


Good or bad, it just doesn’t matter. What I really think is that once two people are connected to each other there should be no conflicting towards each other. Instead, both partners need to understand that they need to settle things down and work together. The truth is once you have come to join together, everything else needs to be solved and not be handled difficulty. Love is the key to success and both partners need to understand that to work together and not against each other.