“Every charitable act is a steppingstone toward heaven.” – Henry Ward Beecher

My Thoughts:

If you are unaware of what charitable means, it is the assisting of those in need. Those who need help or anything which you prove your assistance to. You can start by donating to the people who are in need. You can donate your cloth, supplies, anything you no longer need.

Don’t Wait

Don’t sit back and wait to find something to donate. Most likely you already have millions of things to donate. If you have cloth longer than 5 years, why not just donate them? I mean how long are you going to wear them. It’s time for a change and don’t be afraid to change. Pretend you are giving your items to a friend that way if it helps to feel better. Regardless of who gets the items you donate, you are helping them. Help will guide you long way in life and afterlife.

Your Turn

It is your turn to make a charitable act and to help. Find cups, plates, forks, or anything that you are not using anymore. If it is something that you have that you might need later, be a better person and donate it. If you ever need it again, you can buy a better one or the same one. This helps to eliminate unnecessary things that are sitting in the house for no reason.

Don’t forget to recycle plastics, papers, and glasses. Keep the planet clean by recycling. As long as you are helping, you will be helped. Think about the reason why we are here on Earth for? If you help keep the planet clean, you will be honored for it. Throw the trash away and do your part in keeping clean.

Don’t forget that heaven is watching over you, you need to show that you are doing your part.