“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.”
– Lord Byron

(My Thoughts:)

What I’m getting from this quote is that be the rainbow through the storm. However, even though this may seem like it’s so easy, it is actually pretty hard. I mean let’s focus on the rainbow for a second. As much as good looking it is, you just can’t ever find the end of the rainbow. Therefore, to start with, it is actually pretty complicated to be the rainbow as we can’t even find the end of it.


When it comes to a rainbow I always think of gold. As if there is going to be gold somewhere near it. However, I really think that the gold is in our heart and the rainbow is just to remind us of it. That whatever we wish for, we can get by not really wishing for. Why? Because the rainbow is in us. The rainbow is just to remind us through the hard time for whatever we wish we can grant it ourselves. Therefore, it is just a reminder that we got this.


The rainbow rays are pretty interesting and almost hard to understand just how it even happens. It’s as if God is just sending it to us for a specific reason. Maybe it is to remind us for something or just to give us his aid as we may need it. It could be a way of communication from him to us and until now we haven’t realized it.


Ever look for leprechauns when you encounter a rainbow, LOL. It is just a myth, but I do recommend watching Leprechaun movie as it is pretty interesting. One thing I can say is that never take the gold from a leprechaun, because it will come after you.