“Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.” – Henry David Thoreau

My Thoughts: 

Absolutely true, be a person who discovers and explores in life. Make deal with you in your mind to succeed more and more. If only you try, you would see that there is no problem in it. Don’t be afraid of failing because failing leads to success. Take risks and do it with your heart. Don’t dream about becoming something and thinking it’s impossible. there is someone who became your dream, if it’s possible for that person, so is it for you. Thats just how life is.

Keep Thinking 

Let your mind take you on a cruise ship of imagination and creativeness. If you don’t know what you want to be or what to do, just keep thinking. If you always stay creative and busy with life, it will lead you somewhere eventually.

Happy Columbus Day!

Let’s not forget that Columbus found that the Earth is circle. He took a chance and took a risk because he believed it with his heart. Once you find something that your heart wants, it will haunt you forever until you achieve it. Thats just how it is and everything you can do with positive attitude.


By now there wouldn’t be any athletes if they thought someone else is better than them. You got to believe that you are the best.  If you want to be the best boxer in the world, you got to be it in your heart and mind. That is just how the famous boxers become boxers because they believed. Obviously, you got to work out for it and it’s not an easy ride. But if you try, you just might be the next world champion.